Submit An Idea
Present your idea or project which you consider to be important for the development of cities in the future.
This call for ideas is open to emerging architects, landscape architects, urban planners, designers, engineers, artists, curators, and anyone whose professional work is focused on the future of living environments in Asia. The applicant may be an individual or a collective, and multiple entries are permitted.
What are "Ideas"?
- Ideas are independent work(s), project(s), or practice(s) that are related to architecture or urbanism and that are either ongoing or have been completed within the past 5 years.
- Ideas have presentable output, such as pictures, videos, products, books, etc.
- Ideas are either site-specific, or engage local challenges and contexts in a way that can be implemented locally — local in nature, but with a global frame of mind.
- Ideas are open source, or at least have the possibility for open collaborations which could spawn new alliances (cross-, trans- and multi-disciplinary projects, exploring new design processes and methodology)
- Ideas are bottom-up and challenge existing paradigms
Sign Up
To save your ideas, you'll need to sign up. Registration is free. Once you complete all the necessary fields, your idea will be public!
Join Our Campaigns
We host multiple campaigns throughout a year, each with its own unique vocabulary. By feauturing new types of works, projects, or practices that don't fit into generalized mass trends and approacjes, we aim to create new urban vocabularies and give words to new movements that are yet to be extablished, and to highlight new sets of skills for the next generation of urbanists. You can submit your ideas without choosing a campaign, but if you do pick a campaign, you'll get the opportunity to have your work reviewed by a carefully selected campaign judge, and to be featured at our annual exhibition. Each campaign has a deadline — please check the specific dates and details.
If you have any questions regarding submission, drop us a line via discord.