Urban Intervention


About the Team

Agricultural Scientiest : Nur Akbar Arofatullah
Architect & Urban Planner : Wisnu Wisdantio
Social Communicator : Farida Tri Utami

Idea Overview

Agriculture is part of human cultural history for a long time, which emerged to maintain the availability of food for humans. Each region has different technological developments. In Asia there is still a shortage of food supplies. So that we need a program to increase food production.
This time in big cities there is already an agricultural practice called urban agriculture. Urban agricultural has become a medium to increase access to locally grown food and a way of reintroducing the public to the many aspects of food that we have lost as a culture.
The project is a transparant greenhouse called Transhouse. Estabilishment a transhouse based on the mechanism of a controlled smart greenhouse system that has technological advantages can be controlled automatically.

Background & Motivation

The Covid 19 pandemic that has hit the world recently has made many countries have to implement policies to enforce regional quarantine to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus. Indonesia itself does not implement regional quarantine this is related to the country's economic conditions but still calls for social distancing.
This project aims to enable community to produce self-sustainable food when needed to carry out isolation.

Challenges & Insights

In rural areas, they usually still practice conventional agriculture so that good communication is needed to introduce new technology to the community. So that they can slowly adapt to the change from conventional agriculture to modern agriculture.

Next Steps

we will conduct a survey to plan the design, and encourage community collaboration to build Transhouse in this project together.

Shout-outs & Requests

Yogyakarta City
Pleret Region
Pleret community

Sources of Inspiration

We starting our project by a consciousness about the need for knowledge and technological design that everyone can use and apply so that it will be achieved for resilience of community village especially.

Team icon
Location icon
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Dates icon
Started Jun 2021
Budget icon
JPY ¥6,000,000
Created by Farida Tri Utami